Hamilton's Interactive Remote Teller (IRT) makes it possible to conduct face-to-face transactions from a remote location. The IRT combines Hamilton's pneumatic tube system with high quality audio/video communications to quickly and easily transport cash, coin, paperwork and small items.
Hamilton's IRT-5000 unit is made of rugged low-maintenance stainless steel and can be set within a custom cabinet or a wall for indoor use. It can also be used outdoors.
Today’s applications for IRTs include:
After hours banking within a secured lobby or vestibule
Teller Line replacement within the branch. This is usually done for security, space savings or efficiency reasons.
Outdoor walk-up banking during business hours and after-hours service
Outdoor drive-up applications. Used next to the building in situations where there isn't a window. Also, the IRT-5000 can be built into ATM kiosks situated next to the ATM machine, making that drive-up lane usable for both ATM and face-to-face banking transactions.